Holocaust Memorial Center for the Jews of Macedonia is located on the area of the former Jewish neighborhood in Skopje with the address of street 11 March no. 2, Skopje. The center has been opened in the 2011 as the fourth Holocaust Memorial Center for the Jews in the world, joining those centers opened in Washington, USA, Berlin, Germany and Jerusalem, Israel.
Since 2018, the permanent museum exhibition, which is consisting of 21 sections, has been opened in the Memorial Center. This exhibition chronologically presents the life, culture and tradition of the Jews in these areas from the period of the Roman Empire until today. It includes original objects from the daily life and practice of the religion of the Jews as well as audiovisual content that includes testimonies from the surviving Jews from Macedonia.

The entire museum exhibition is available in Macedonian and English, and since 2019 a guide through the exhibition in Braille is also available. The setting is on two levels and has adequate accessibility for the person with disabilities as part of the ongoing activities of the Memorial Center, temporary installations on various topics related to the life of the Jews in Macedonia are occasionally exhibited, which are available to all visitors.
The working hours of the Memorial Center for visitors are from: Tuesday to Friday from 09:00 to 19:00, Saturday and Sunday from 09:00 to 15:00. The entrance fee is MKD 100 for adult visitors, and for children and students 50 denars. Within the Memorial Center, there is also a souvenir shop (with the same working hours) where you can buy items and literature published by the Fund of the Holocaust of the Jews of Macedonia (the same are available on the website of the Fund).