In cooperation with the Archaeological Museum of Istria in Pula, at the Archeological museum in Skopje in the period from 23.05.2024 to 01.09.2024, you can have the opportunity to see the archeological exhibition "The Heroic Age of the Histris", author prof. Dr. Martina Blečić-Kavour.
The exhibition presents the story of the settlements Histri who lived on the peninsula of the same name – Istria, throughout the first millennium BC, known to us as Iron Age, a time when the use of metal has become dominant and ubiquitous. Through the material culture of Histri can be seen by the visitors their integration into the communication and trade network with other neighboring regions and communities that lived at that time on the shores of the Adriatic region (Croatia and Slovenia) and in the region along the Danube River.,