The 45th edition of Festival "Skopsko Leto" 2024 traditionally takes place from June 21st to July 31st as every year does. With over 30 cultural events and a rich program, maintains the tradition as one of the best cultural festivals. Numerous music performances, exhibitions, theatrical shows, and dance performances will be offered in 2024 at 45th edition of the festival "Skopsko Leto,"
"This year, we have about 30 events at “Skopsko Leto“ As always, music will be the most represented because it is the universal language of communication between civilizations and nations, but there will also be theatrical performances, art exhibitions, and various forms of artistic expression," emphasized the director, Gligorov.
Despite the fact that the foundation of the program of the Festival "Skopsko Leto" is consisted of domestic artists, this year there will also be a rich selection of international programs. The entrance is free for most of the events. The Festival"Skopsko Leto" will open on June 21st, the first day of summer and World Music Day, with a concert by the Faculty of Music Art. In addition to this concert, there will be two more concerts featuring the choir from the National Opera and Ballet, as well as a Gala Opera Concert.
Two theatrical shows for children will be presented, one from the Theater for Children and Youth and one from Sasho Ristovski. The Faculty of Dramatic Arts will present several projects. The Dance Ensemble will hold a concert on June 22nd at Karposh's Square Uprising. A concert promotion of the album "VIDA" by MIYATTA will take place on June 28th in Kursumli An. Aco Kondov and John Ilija Apelgrin will present an exhibition of their photographs at the Cultural Informative Center and the Cinematheque of Macedonia. The best achievements of the Macedonian National Theater and the Drama Theater, such as "Lagata" by Florian Zeller, directed by Besford Idrizi, and "Kafez kaj kokoni" directed by Dimche Nikolovski, for which tickets are always in high demand, will be showcased. Some of the events will take place in Suli-an, Kursumli-an, the foyer of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle. Skopsko Leto will conclude with a performance by the Slovenian quintet Kameralna Akademika in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle.
“Skopsko Leto“ is synonymous with massive attendance and active audiences. The program it offers, dominates with quality and includes content that Skopje residents don't have the opportunity to see elsewhere. This year as well, the majority of the program of "Skopsko Leto 2023" will be dedicated to domestic performers, but the festival opens its doors to international collaboration, with guests announced from Slovenia, America, and neighboring countries. The festival "Skopsko Leto" is organized by the Directorate for Culture and Art. They create a program that meets the needs and interests of the citizens of Skopje. This festival has a multimedia program and aims to communicate with the youngest, children, and all the way to adults. The festival organizers hope that the weather conditions will be favorable for the events, as a large part of them are open-air.