Galichnik Wedding
In Macedonia, the act of joining two souls always inspires graciousness and great celebrations. Therefore, one of the most beautiful cultural events to mark this rich Macedonian tradition is the Galichnik wedding.
The weddings in this village were traditionally held on Petrovden (St. Peter’s Day, 12th July). This tradition is kept alive, mostly thanks to the people from Galicnik. Starting on Petrovden in 1963, an annual event began in the village of Galichink where a bride and groom are married according to traditional marriage rituals and practices.

Each year a couple that chooses to be a part of this well-known wedding is chosen.
During the ceremony, the mountain echoes the sounds of drums and the yelp of zurla (traditional instrument similar to oboe); people sing old folk songs and dance well known folk dances, among which, the most beautiful one is Teshkoto.
The beauty of the wedding is complemented by the traditional clothes of the groom, as well as the well-known Galichnik dress of the bride, made by tailors with filigree precision and accuracy.
You should see in person this wedding that is accompanied with ancient customs. It is a wedding that you will not experience anywhere else.