Katlanovo bath- spa center in Macedonia
Katlanovo Bath is one of the most famous spa centers in Macedonia. It is located in the lower course of the Pchinja River, between a very picturesque gorge, above the village of Katlanovo, at an altitude of 230 m. From the city of Skopje, whereto it is connected with a modern highway, it is 25 km away, and in a place where the Mediterranean climate from the south and temperate continental climate from the north can be felt. Thermo-mineral springs occur on larger lines. One crevice extends along the Banski Rid itself and is noticeable at a length of about 350 m. The terrain where hotel buildings are constructed is built of argilloscases, and the Banjski Rid of layered limestone. The open fissure of neotectonic origin is a rarity not only for the Balkans, but also in Europe, from which, at some point even in jets, cold and hot water was bubbling and flowing.

There are several hot and cold mineral springs in the surroundings of Katlanovo Bath, while the bath is supplied with water coming from a hole providing 1.5 l/s of water, with a water temperature of 40 ° C. Water contains mostly sodium, calcium, chlorine, sulphates and hydrocarbons. In Katlanovo Bath, many types of rheumatic diseases, diseases of the genitals, kidneys and urinary tract, nerve, skin and diseases of the respiratory organs are treated with success.
A memory for the benefits that this hot water gives to Katlanovo Bath
In the healing thermal spas or bathing waters in the open air, the old Romans enjoyed since the year of 340, then the Byzantines, and the Turkish dignitaries, as evidenced by the low chambers of a circular shape carved in the rocks. "A memory for the benefits that this hot water gives. Let it be endless for the developing and building world. In front of us is a really nice and clean spring. Let the guests be washed by it (1317-1898)". With these words, written in Arabic and carved in an old stone slab, the Skopje governor Haf'z Muhammad Pasha greeted the guests in the Katlanovo bath, today a special hospital for physical medicine and specialized medical rehabilitation.

Katlanovo Bath - Katlanovo "source of youth"
The first hotel was built in 1934. There are three hotels and several resorts in the Katlanovo bath today, with a total capacity of 450 beds. Annually about 10,000 visitors stay here. The spa facilities are restored and it is one of the most modern and best equipped spa centers in Macedonia. If there is a miracle in Macedonia, it is the Katlanovo "source of youth". Numerous are the sources from which the steam and thermo-mineral water rich in sodium, calcium, chlorine, sulphates and hydrocarbons outflows, and the source reaches a temperature of up to 64 degrees. It has healing powers and successfully treats rheumatism, arthritis and many chronic skin, neurological, feminine, orthopedic and respiratory diseases.

Katlanovo Bath - Tourist attraction
"Katlanovo is the boiler where the sun is born. If something can heal me, then it's there, between the sun and the water, "- the words of the glorious Emperor Justinian I (483-565). He was born in Taurisium where he built a fortress, and his mother in Baderiana. Even today these villages in the Katlanovo region have almost the same names, Taor and Badar. The merging of natural beauties enriched with artistic values is enhanced in a harmony of nature and the work of the hman. Katlanovo Bath, which is divided from the village of Gradmanci only by a bridge, is a tourist attraction with the richness of the indigenous plant and animal life from the area of the Katlanovo region including the Katlanovo marsh. Beautiful views, walking paths, sports fishing, original architecture, churches, a multitude of taps, as well as folklore and cultural manifestations -this interweaving of cultural and spiritual satisfaction enables a truly perfect experience of Katlanovo Bath as a tourist destination.
The merging of natural beauties enriched with artistic values is enhanced in a harmony of nature and the work of the hman. Katlanovo Bath, which is divided from the village of Gradmanci only by a bridge, is a tourist attraction with the richness of the indigenous plant and animal life from the area of the Katlanovo region including the Katlanovo marsh. Beautiful views, walking paths, sports fishing, original architecture, churches, a multitude of taps, as well as folklore and cultural manifestations -this interweaving of cultural and spiritual satisfaction enables a truly perfect experience of Katlanovo Bath as a tourist destination.
More information about Katlanovo Bath can be found on this website.